dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017

Entre la espalda y el triceps.

Hello guys.

Today I bring you a training of back and triceps because is the training that I'll do today. I'll start with back.

Today I'll train with my bro Joan Pere that is a monster man. He's able to take many kg and diferent types of dumbbells. So I will explain a bit our training.

We'll start with back:

First step: For warm up, We'll start with 20 repettitions to rowing
Second step: 4 series of 12 repetitions to rowing.
Third step: 4 series of 12 repetitions to pulley behind neck. You can do with the kg that you want, for example I finish this serie with 59 kg. Depend your weight. 
Fourth step: 4 series of 8 repetitions to traction on fixed bar. You can do this step with help because it's so difficult for everybody so keep kalm guys.

When you finish all series, we'll continue with triceps.

First step: For warm up, We'll start with 20 repettitons to high pulled  
Second step: 4 series with different weight, first-15R with 23kg, Second-12R with 29kg, third 10R with 35, and the last serie, depend as you, you can do with 8R with 41 kg or 8R with 35. 
Third step: three series to alternating extension in high pulled. First serie: 12R with 7.5 kg, 10 R with 10 kg and 8R with 12.5kg.

So guys, that's all for today. Tomorrow I'll bring you many exercices of shoulder and legs.
Thank you so much guys, See you soon!

Before I go, I'll leave a few pictures that you can use for your training. 

1 comentari:

  1. That's a very hard training. I don't think I would be able to make it ahhaha
